The new VA outpatient clinic in Loma Linda serves more than 72,000 veterans.

The VA Loma Linda Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) is a three-story outpatient care clinic of approximately 346,000 square-feet. This facility was delivered as a private-public partnership (P3), a first for the VA. During design, extensive use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) was required given the fast paced schedule. The BIM model was used to track steel tonnage to evaluate impacts due to design changes. The new building’s gravity system consists of concrete over metal deck roof and floors that were designed for the expected loads and vibration requirements. The roof and floors are supported by a steel frame system supported by spread footings. The building’s lateral system consists of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (BRB) that are designed to meet the standards of both the California Building Code and the VA’s Seismic Design Requirements. The building is also classified as Mission Critical Facility and was designed to resist blast and progressive collapse demands. The project achieved LEED Silver Certification for Healthcare (LEED-HC). The project was completed in 2017.
Rendering courtesy of ZGF Architecture