Degenkolb Engineers provided conceptual design, detailed nonlinear analysis and construction documents for two base isolated platforms for a new biotechnology fill-finish line located within an existing facility.
In less than 10 months, both the design and construction of the facility were complete.
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1996
M.Eng., Structural Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1999
CA, Structural Engineer, License No. 4857
CA, Civil Engineer, License No. 62486
I was always fascinated by construction growing up and new that I wanted to be involved in building big things. Originally, I thought I would go into the construction side of the industry. However, at some point in college I became more interested in how buildings worked and were designed at which point I determined structural engineering was the best way for me to contribute to the industry.
I enjoy suffering through 100 mile long bicycle rides.
B.S., Civil Engineering with Honors, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2000
M.S., Structural Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2001
CA, Structural Engineer, License No. S5083
CA, Civil Engineer, License No. C64989
TN, Professional Engineer, License No. 6419
I had always been interested in how things are put together. My mom tells a story of how I took apart a clock when I was 3 or 4 to see how it worked inside. So, I was probably always destined to be an engineer. I chose structural engineering specifically because the scale of buildings and bridges interested me more than things electrical and mechanical engineers work on. I picked when I was a senior in high school and have found myself loving it more and more with each passing year!
I feel like our dog is my master, rather than I being his.
Walk along the Embarcadero.
M.S., Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, 2009
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2007
CA, Civil Engineer, 77850
CA, Structural Engineer, 6196
My 1st birthday present was a horse. We named him Caution.
Green Bay Packers.
B.S., Environmental Science, Willamette University, 1999
Certified Professional Services Marketer (CPSM)
Fellow, Society for Marketing Professional Services (FSMPS)
Like many marketing and business development professionals, I fell into it. I always planned to attend law school. I had a friend who was working an internship for an architectural firm. When the architect decided to make the position permanent, she recommended me for the job. I started out sorting 35mm slides and worked my way up, learning along the way. Why have I stayed in the A/E/C industry? I like the people, I appreciate their passion, and I want to help them achieve their strategic dreams.
I am a published poet.
What were you going to be when you grew up?
A ballerina, a teacher, a lawyer, a trophy wife – it changes day to day.
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Washington, 2007
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
CA, Structural Engineer, License No. 5965
CA, Civil Engineer, License No. 76269
WA, Structural Engineer, License No. 48423
Problem solving has always been a good fit for me, and in school I loved working in a field where we can touch the materials that we’re working with. Being entrusted with solving problems in the buildings where people live and work and run their businesses is a privilege.
I got to ride my bike alongside Robin Williams for a short stretch. He was funnier than I could ever hope to be, and it turns out he could ride faster too.
By bike – especially on a Tuesday night in the summer passing by Lake Union.
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 1994
M.S., Structural Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1995
CA, Structural Engineer, License No. 4522
CA, Civil Engineer, License No. 57348
AZ Structural Engineer, License No. 42908
LEED Accredited
I knew I wanted to be some type of engineer because of my love for science and math. I was determined not to become a civil engineer since my Dad is one. I started as a Mechanical Engineering major but quickly determined that it wasn’t for me and alas, switched to civil (structural) engineering since those classes interested me more.
Both of my parents have large families (my Dad has 8 siblings and my Mom has 7) which resulted in 40 first cousins for me. Growing up it was fun to have so many playmates. I am still close to many of my cousins and enjoy spending time with them.
Golden State Warriors.
B.A., International Relations, University of San Diego
The recession of the early 1990’s meant I was going to lots of Informational interviews without any full time job offers. A small civil engineering firm out in Clayton, CA hired me for my first full-time position. Half-time Marketing and Half-time Office Assistant. I was promoted to Marketing Coordinator one year later. Since 2001, I’ve worked in Business Development for Structural Engineering, MEP Engineering, and one large General Contractor.
During my college years in San Diego, I played in two original rock bands and made a run at trying to become a rock star. I learned many of my grass root Marketing skills from this experience.
Hollywood Stunt Man.
M.S., Structural Engineering – University of California, Berkeley, 1994
B.S., Civil Engineering – University of California, Berkeley, 1992
CA, Structural Engineer, License No. 4510
CA, Civil Engineer, License No. 57543
CA, Professional Engineer, License No. 78302
I have one of the most enviable Degenkolb client’s around, as a project manager, I oversee work for the Constellation Brands.
Through all phases of your product life cycle – from development to manufacturing and production – Degenkolb provides verifiable building and equipment risk mitigation solutions to keep your business up and running. Our corporate seismic and multi-hazard programs are customized to each client so that maximum building performance is achieved in your facilities that generate the most revenue.