Getting to know the Degenkolb summer interns
Every year Degenkolb Engineers invites aspiring structural engineers to join us as interns for the summer. It is a rewarding experience for everyone involved. The interns get a chance to apply what they have learned in school to a real world setting, while our engineers get to pass on their knowledge to those entering the field.
Before our 2019 summer interns made their way back to school, we wanted to hear how their internships at Degenkolb went. They were all more than happy to share their experiences:

Anthony Ayllon, Oakland
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I am currently at Stanford University and will begin the 2nd and final year of my master’s degree this fall.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I learned about Degenkolb during the ASCE Speaker Series at Stanford where Laura Weyl gave a presentation on the company.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
Some of my best memories have been playing on the Degenkolb softball team. We had some exciting late inning rallies this season and it has been great spending time with my coworkers after work.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Be willing to ask questions and take on challenging projects outside of your comfort zone. I feel that I have learned the most this summer from working my way through areas in the code I had no familiarity with previously and having the help of my coworkers to guide me whenever I needed it.
Describe your ideal day off.
I love to travel, whether it’s a quick trip to the beach or visiting a new city or country. Exploring different places and the feeling of being immersed in the unknown makes any day off great. I also feel that having my friends and family around can make it the ideal day regardless of where I am.

Daniel Item, Sacramento
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I graduated from undergrad at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo this last spring and will be attending grad school at UC Davis this upcoming year.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I was previously an intern for Barrish Pelham, who I found at the Structural Forum in San Luis Obispo, and found out about Degenkolb during the company merge between the two firms.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
So far in my time here at Degenkolb, my most vivid memory was my site visit at Greer Elementary School. Also, the food truck on a previous Friday near the local UC Davis Medical Center that I went to with some coworkers.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Do your best to get assigned project work because you will get to see how the design principles that you learn about in school are utilized.
Describe your ideal day off.
An ideal off day would start with me cooking some bacon and eggs for breakfast, then a little bit of morning exercise. Relaxing with Netflix, video games, and pizza for lunch and later finding myself with some friends playing games such as basketball, soccer, or board games.

Daniel Look, Oakland
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I went to Cal Poly Pomona for undergrad and will be going to UC Berkeley for graduate school this Fall Semester.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I was on the seismic design team for EERI SDC during my undergrad and I saw this funny little triangle on the sponsor banner of the competition. I also attended the Student Awards Night a few years ago for SEAOSC in Downtown LA and listened to a presentation by one of the Degenkolb Principals.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
My most vivid memory would be winning the Office Olympics alongside my fellow intern, Kiana Underwood.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
It’s all right to forget some things from school or to not know some things. The best part of interning is learning and overcoming new challenges!
Describe your ideal day off.
A rainy day with a dog on my lap and a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. The simple days are always the most relaxing.

Hagen Tam, Sacramento
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I just finished up my third year as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley and will be graduating this December.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I first found out about Degenkolb when Abe Lynn was my professor (the one semester he lectured at UC Berkeley) and he mentioned that he was working for Degenkolb. Afterwards, several of my friends and colleagues from UC Berkeley graduated and went on to work for the company.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
My most vivid memory so far at Degenkolb is from my site visit to Folsom Hills Elementary School. It may not be an impressive sight for everyone, but I will always remember seeing the first actual beam I designed. It is a 5 1/8 x 12 Glulam beam framing an opening and supporting a portion of the roof and the ceiling framing and finishes.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Keep yourself as busy as possible by asking for work BEFORE you run out. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something. Take advantage of having an experienced, friendly mentor who knows a lot about structural engineering. Get to know your coworkers by going to company social events outside of work (i.e., Thirsty Thursdays, the company picnic, softball, soccer, camping, etc.). Eat lunch in the office and talk to your coworkers!
Describe your ideal day off.
During the snow season, my ideal off day is an early morning trip up to Tahoe to go snowboarding, a hobby I picked up in the last few years. All other times of the year, I love going to the beach with friends and family to play Spikeball, beach soccer, or just relax.

Hannah Thompson, San Francisco
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
This fall, I’ll be finishing my masters’ degree at Stanford, which is where I did my undergrad (class of 2018)!
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I met two Degenkolb engineers – Ariel Creagh and Katie Boisseree – at a Stanford career fair for the structural design and construction industry. In addition to Degenkolb’s reputation as a top-notch firm, I was excited to apply for the internship because of the clear representation of young, successful female engineers at the firm. I’m lucky to have Ariel and Katie (and many others) as role models!
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
In addition to the fun social events (it’s easy to have fun when your coworkers are all very nice and welcoming), my favorite Degenkolb memory so far has been building an entire Rhino model, and then converting it into a complete ETABS model, in one day. I learned a bunch of tips and tricks from Peter Fobel, a great mentor, for automating the process – and I completed something in 8 hours that could have taken me 3 weeks!
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
In my experience, everyone at the firm (from your peers who are only one year out of school to the most experienced senior engineers) is very invested in helping you learn. You’ll get the chance to do a lot of fascinating work, but it never has to be a trial by fire – all you have to do is ask, and you’ll get precious wisdom or a much-needed push in the right direction!
Describe your ideal day off.
I’m a huge cyclist, so an ideal day would start with a bike ride with my cycling friends (maybe into Half Moon Bay for lunch). After a shower and a lot of carbs, I’d love to play some music with my orchestra friends or hit the town and see a movie.

Josh Lange, Los Angeles
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I just graduated from Cal Poly SLO in June, and I am heading to UC Berkeley for my master’s degree this fall.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
Through our career fair at Cal Poly. I knew nothing about the firm when I applied for the internship.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
Being tasked with planning our company picnic with all the new hires. It was a fun way to bond with some of the other young people in the office.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Try to get to know as many of your coworkers as you can, because you’ll enjoy your time much more if you’re working with people that you connect with, and you can learn a lot from them!
Describe your ideal day off.
I would start by sleeping in until 11am, then I would spend the whole day hanging out with friends, possibly going to the beach, playing games, or watching movies. And eating lots of Cheez-its, my favorite food.

Kiana Underwood, Oakland
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I just finished my undergraduate degree in Architectural Engineering at Cal Poly SLO and will be starting my Master’s in Structural Engineering this fall at UCSD.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I learned about Degenkolb through our networking events at Cal Poly. I got connected with the company after receiving a scholarship from Degenkolb at the end of my third year.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
My team winning first place in the Degenkolb Olympics!
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Get involved in the company and don’t be afraid to ask questions! Degenkolb offers many opportunities to learn and interact with coworkers. Taking advantage of it will definitely enhance your experience as an intern.
Describe your ideal day off.
My ideal day off would involve enjoying any outdoor activities (like hiking or going to the beach), eating some delicious Bay Area food, and hanging out with my friends.

Laura Hernandez-Bassal, Sacramento
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I currently go to school at UC Davis and I will start my second year of the PhD program in the fall.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I have known about Degenkolb for years through seminars. I also worked remotely with one of their engineers on a project (when I worked at my previous company).
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
I have truly enjoyed learning about wood design, which I did not have much exposure to before. Also, it was interesting to learn about the DSA and OSHPD review process for schools and hospitals, respectively.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Ask all the questions you have. If you are unsure about something, an engineer can explain to you the concept and it will be a rewarding and learning experience.
Describe your ideal day off.
Wake up around 9:00 am, make myself an amazing breakfast, go for a bike ride around Davis, come back and jump in the pool for an hour or so. Have lunch at a Thai restaurant and just walk around downtown. Come back and play Ticket to Ride and watch an episode of Money Heist.

Luis Hernandez-Velasquez , San Diego
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I am currently working on my master’s degree at UC San Diego and will be starting my 4th quarter there this year (2nd year).
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
I found out about Degenkolb at a SEAOSC meeting during my third year at Cal Poly Pomona. Daniel Zepeda was presenting that day on the recent earthquake to hit Mexico and I have been a fan of Degenkolb since.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
My most vivid memory is actually very recent. It is of our office Padres baseball game. It was my first baseball game ever and we got a chance to see the team during batting practice up close.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
My advice would be to definitely ask questions if you are confused. Everyone here is more than willing to help.
Describe your ideal day off.
My ideal day off would involve waking up early and getting a good workout in. Then after that I would love to cook some food. I’m a huge fan of cooking and an even bigger fan of eating.

Robert Wang, San Francisco
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I am a graduate student at Stanford University. I will be completing my Master of Science degree in Structural Engineering next winter.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
A combination of word of mouth, reputation, and career fairs. Degenkolb is very well known in the Bay Area for their expertise in seismic evaluations and retrofits. But what really piqued my interest was when my non-linear analysis professor, on the first day of class, showed us a case study of an office tower seismic retrofit here in San Francisco. It was a Degenkolb project and they were installing viscous dampers to improve the building’s seismic performance. The technicality and complexity of the project was fascinating. I got curious and decided to look more into the firm. Luckily, they were accepting interns at that time so I applied immediately.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
Aside from working with and learning from some of the smartest engineers in California, my most vivid memories at Degenkolb so far are the many happy hours, softball games, and other team-building activities planned throughout the summer. I enjoyed the abundance of opportunities I had just chatting and socializing with my co-workers. It felt like a community to me. Most of the designers have lunches together, the senior project managers join in when they are not too busy. There were after-work happy hours, camping trips, picnics, lunch-and-learns, afternoon snacks, celebrations for new-hires/anniversaries/career milestones, and many other social opportunities. I think HR and the social committees do an excellent job making us interns feel welcomed. It’s been a fantastic internship so far.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
Ask questions and try to learn as much as possible from the other engineers. This internship is such a valuable learning opportunity in that you can actually see how the materials we learn in class are applied in the real world to generate value and impact our society. Also try not to shy away from after-work social opportunities with co-workers.
Describe your ideal day off.
Tennis and rock climbing in the morning. Movie + Korean BBQ in the afternoon. Board games with friends in the evening.

Scott Sprouse, San Francisco
Where do you go to school and what year are you in?
I completed my undergrad at UC San Diego in June and will be returning to San Diego to get my master’s degree starting in September.
How did you find out about Degenkolb?
My favorite professor at UC San Diego encouraged me to apply for an internship here.
What is your most vivid memory of your time so far at Degenkolb?
I really enjoyed participating in the Office Olympics and visiting job sites with all the other Bay Area interns.
If you could give any future interns advice on how to get the most out of interning with Degenkolb what would it be?
My advice for future interns would be to ask questions when you don’t know something and to make sure that you look at the internship as an opportunity to develop as an engineer. Internships, particularly at a firm like Degenkolb, are an opportunity to expose yourself to different things or applications of structural engineering than what you see in school.
Describe your ideal day off.
My ideal day off would involve sleeping in, watching Netflix, and eating ice cream at the end of the day.