
Meet our team

Since our founding, we've nurtured a company culture driven by our ideals of service and expertise. That culture is a result of the people that work here and their drive for excellence.
Adam Hugo-Holman
I lived in Plzen, Czechoslovakia as a kid for a year while my parents ...
Adrian Nacamuli
I enjoy suffering through 100 mile long bicycle rides.
Allison Shenberger
Alvaro Celestino
I went into structural engineering because buildings are my passion.
Andrew Scott
Practice Area Leader, Principal
I prefer to ride my bike to work – day or night, rain or shine.
Bryan Bindrich
My 1st birthday present was a horse.  We named him Caution.
Cale Ash
Group Director, Principal
I have climbed three of the five volcanoes in Washington.
Carrie Mitchell
I keep my mind sharp playing Sudoku.
Chad Closs
Office Director, Principal
I leaned toward an engineering degree where I could solve real world ...
Devon Lumbard
Group Director, Principal
I taught Statics and Concrete Design courses at Portland State ...
Erica Hays
I wanted to be an artist until I was 16, and then I switched my focus ...
Garrett Hagen
Project engineer in the Los Angeles office.
