
Meet our team

Since our founding, we've nurtured a company culture driven by our ideals of service and expertise. That culture is a result of the people that work here and their drive for excellence.
Andrew Scott
Practice Area Leader, Principal
I prefer to ride my bike to work – day or night, rain or shine.
Anuj Bansal
Group Director, Regional Practice Area Leader, Senior Principal
I had a life dream of being a cricket star before settling on the ...
Atila Zekioglu
Practice Area Leader, Senior Principal
I love traveling, swimming in the ocean, and hiking with my wife.
Cale Ash
Group Director, Principal
I have climbed three of the five volcanoes in Washington.
Chad Closs
Office Director, Principal
I leaned toward an engineering degree where I could solve real world ...
Daniel Zepeda
Office Director, Senior Principal, Working Group Leader
Daniel has worked at Degenkolb close to 20 years.
Devon Lumbard
Group Director, Principal
I taught Statics and Concrete Design courses at Portland State ...
Holly Razzano
Practice Area Leader, Senior Principal
One of my bucket list items is to do a triathlon.
John Matuska
Practice Area Leader, Senior Principal
Jorn Halle
Chief Client Officer, Practice Area Leader
I had an ‘aha’ moment in a second year mechanics of materials ...
Kirk Johnston
Group Director, Principal
A classic car and hotrod enthusiast, he enjoys spending time working ...
Laurie Johnston
Practice Area Leader, Senior Principal
Both of my parents have large families (my Dad has 8 siblings and my ...
